Old Order Amish Artist

When I thought up my storyline of two teenagers persuing an unusual dream for Old Order Amish–publishing a children’s book–I never dreamed I would find someone who fits this description, living in the same area as my fictional characters. Elmer Y. works in a local leather shop, keeps up with his chores at home, attends private auctions (another of his passions), frames and mats commissioned artwork, and paints watercolor landscapes. Oh, did I mention he’s only seventeen years old? And I have seen pictures of his artwork and he is very talented. He has accomplished all this despite a severely injured spinal cord as a toddler. His accident has never slowed him down.

I am tickled to report that Elmer has agreed to provide a sketch for my February release, An Amish Family Reunion. The drawing will represent the fictional children’s story that Phoebe and her beau concoct. We all know that life often imitates art, so what do you think? Will young Elmer of Ohio’s Amish Country soon meet the girl of his dreams, marry, and live happily ever after? Only time will tell….

Last 5 posts by Mary

One Response to “Old Order Amish Artist”

  1. It is incredible to see how God has blessed Elmer, considering his injury! God bless him!


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