Wedding for Julia, compressedSometimes I receive quizzical looks when I say that I write Amish Romance. People act as if those two words don’t fit together. My husband is the worst culprit. He always says, “Amish? ROMANCE?” and then laughs. He’s now doing a book report on my latest release. I’ll teach him to be sarcastic.

But seriously, some people don’t “get” that Amish stories can be romantic. I think that’s because our definition of romance has changed over the years. My mom thought my dad was being romantic when he changed the oil in her car for her. And I only remember them going out to dinner–alone–all dressed up one time. It was an anniversary and mom made a special dress for the occasion.

Maybe because of television or music or advertising, many people think that being romantic involves purchasing something–roses, jewelry, a vacation at some exotic location. There are all sorts of things you can buy to show someone you love them. Right?

And maybe that’s where Amish Romance comes in. The idea that we can show our love in simple, every day ways–that’s appealing. Here’s an example from A Wedding for Julia.

When he took a step forward and softly kissed her lips, she didn’t move. Instead, she held her breath, wondering what she was supposed to do. He ran a thumb along her bottom lip, kissed her once more, and said, “We should go in. You’re shivering.”

They might not love one another, but he was a kind man. He wouldn’t desert her. 

Sometimes we do show our love through physical actions. And sometimes, we show it other ways.

She turned in his arms and gazed up at him with her pretty brown eyes. “Are you saying I look like your bruders?”

“Nein. They’re even uglier than I am.”

“You’re not ugly,” she whispered. Standing on her tiptoes, she kissed him softly on the lips.

He reached to lengthen the kiss but she slipped out of his arms like a fish slipping off the line.

“Cake’s ready,” she said with a smile, a mischievous look in her eyes.

Sometimes romance can be as simple as baking a cake for someone, or doing the dishes together, or taking a walk. I adore Amish romance, and I hope that you do too.





Last 5 posts by vannetta

5 Responses to “Amish ROMANCE”

  1. Love Amish fiction.


  2. At age 40 my husband’s employer went out of business. Then he was declared legally blind. Without the details, he was declared “untrainable”. Talk about hits to a man’s ego, perceived value and identity…. So we learned to simplify: Flowers from the yard or, a walk to the local diner for a coffee became big events.
    And a little help in the kitchen he quickly learned created a desire greater than the fancy night out.


  3. I’m glad you do, Bonnie!

    Ellen, isn’t it amazing how our life – and our perceptions – can change with time? Blessings to you and your family.


  4. Amish romance is my favorite genre! I am a believer of simple romantic things. I am a practical person. It’s romantic to me if my husband helps with the dishes so we can spend a few extra minutes in the porch swing. I would much rather have a $5 flowering plant than $75 in roses. One of the most romantic things my husband has done for me was to do the floors when I was pregnant…he would not let me mop, he said I would be doing a lifetime of that after our child was born and he wanted to lighten my load.


  5. Oh, Donna. I love a porch swing! And I understand what you mean about the bedding plants versus the roses.

    Sounds like you have a good man there! God bless you both.


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