Fish?!? But I don’t LIKE fish…

Georgia here (author of The Homestyle Amish Kitchen Cookbook). I’m slowly but surely moving into the twenty-first century. First it was an iPhone; then I started posting to Facebook; and just this weekend I bumbled my way through setting up a blog. (You can find it at:

This from a gal who, even as a child, was considered to have been born a hundred years too late! Wonders of the world never cease.

This past weekend someone asked me for an easy fish recipe…and maybe one that a person who’s not overly fond of fish would enjoy. So here it is:

Use boneless fish fillets; I usually use tilapia, halibut, or salmon. I then mix together mayonnaise and seasonings…and this is where the fun really starts, because you can easily change tastes. My favorite is green curry paste. I buy it in a small jar at my local grocery store (shouldn’t be hard to find). I don’t add anything else–just the mayo and curry paste. Other times I use Cajun seasoning, or simply fresh grated Parmesan and a bit of minced garlic. The thing is, you can use anything that sounds good to you.

Anyway, once I’ve figured out what “flavor” I want, I pat both sides of the fish with the mayo mixture and place the fillets in a glass baking dish. I bake the fish at 350° until the fish is done…about 20 minutes…but of course the baking time will depend on what fish you’re using and how thick it is, etc. I’ve also been known to bake the fish at 375° when I’m in a hurry, which, alas!, is more often than I care to admit. I just watch things closely so I don’t burn the mayonnaise coating.

That’s it! It takes longer to type up the directions than it does to get the fish in the oven.

Well, I’ll sign off for now. Hope you all have a wonderful week!



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