Fun Amish Fact — Courtship

Did you know that courtship is done very secretly among the Amish? Engagements are not usually made public until 1-6 weeks before the wedding! A bride and groom’s closest friends and family members may be told about an upcoming wedding, but otherwise only the church leaders are informed and not the congregation at large.

What do you think about Amish courtship? Could you keep your own engagement a secret for so long? Would it be romantic, or too difficult? Tell us what you think!

*This fact excerpted from A Pocket Guide to Amish Life

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7 Responses to “Fun Amish Fact — Courtship”

  1. It would be very hard unless you were planning a short engagement anyway like I had.


    Elizabeth Reply:

    Yes, definitely!


  2. I think it would be romantic to be scretive about the engagement. Sure there is excitement in telling family and freinds. I think it would be exciting too, tell the church at the end of the engagement, too.


    Elizabeth Reply:

    I tend to agree with you, Barbee. I think it would be nice to have at least some time where the excitement was just yours, and no one else knew. Then the telling would be fun, too.


  3. Hi… For some reason strange things are hapenning with your site layout. The edges of the text are running into each other. Everything was working yesterday. I don’t know if it’s my end or if you’ve made a change… Just thought you might want to look at it. Thanks! Elisa Kroetch


  4. Hi Elisa,
    Thanks for the heads up…would you be able to let us know which browser you are using? We can look into it and see if others are having the problem. Thanks!


  5. the community that i will be joining doesn’t have rumspringa and they cannot court until they are nineteen years old.


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